Education has always been a part of everyone’s lives. Without education, we would not be able to reach where we are right now. Education has helped many people, especially those who are successful in their careers and life. Whether we get our learnings from school or outside the said environment, everyone knows for sure that education is always everywhere. We are in a generation where technology is accessible for almost everyone on Earth, so it is impossible that we won’t get to learn a lot of things by just browsing the Internet. 

The Internet is widely known for its easy accessibility — you can use it to search for a lot of information such as helpful guides and more. You can even use it for your education. Using The Internet makes our lives easier! However, speaking of education and the Internet, how does it work?

Well, to answer that question, there are a lot of platforms that support online education—one of its examples is Google Classroom. A lot of schools and universities have been using Google Classroom as it is an easy way of connecting with students and instructors virtually. Through this platform, students and instructors are able to connect with one another virtually — it is simply like a virtual school. 

Online education may have become the norm because of the pandemic that happened in the year 2019 and onwards. COVID-19 struck the world resulting in the number of universities adapting to the e-learning system.  Well, a lot of students in the Philippines have experienced online learning because of the said pandemic, and to tell you the truth — it is a bit of a disaster. Considering the Philippines as one of the developing countries, not many are able to connect to the internet without any problems. Majority of the students in the country could not afford an e-learning system because of the lack of technological gadgets. It is no wonder that a lot of them have neglected their education because of this issue.

On the other hand, there are still some positive effects of online education on students' learning. Especially for the students who are literate in using the internet and also using technology like smartphones and such, it is very likely that they easily adjust to the new norm of e-learning. These students are able to adapt to the new learning system because of the environment that they are already living in — the digital world. The effects of online learning on these students leave a lot of positive notes as they are able to use technology without any hassle.
